Beamtime @ CLS, REIXS beamline (Jul 2017)
Kevin and Zhihai loading samples with scientist Christie Nelson in da hutch!

Beamtime @ NSLS-II, CSX-1 beamline (Jun 2017)
"How many physicists does it take to change a sample?" (apparently 3: Ric, Jiarui, Claudio; photo courtesy of Brookhaven National Lab)

Beamtime @ CLS, REIXS beamline (May 2017)
Canadian Light Source entrance...and the beautiful Saskatchewan skies behind

Beamtime @ CLS, REIXS beamline (May 2017)
Overlooking the CLS ring and beamlines (Zhihai, Grace, Da, Jiarui)

Beamtime @ CLS, REIXS beamline (Sep 2016)
Our first beamtime as a new group! Note the happy faces BEFORE the experiment (Jiarui, Ric, Johnny, Mingu)